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Outdoor Park Workout Ideas

Outdoor Park Workout Ideas

2 minute read

As the weather starts to warm up, a lot of workout routines are starting to move outside. All you need is a bench for this one, but if you have resistance bands or ankle weights to heighten the intensity- even better. 

This is a high intensity interval workout (HIIT) which means you're going to go from movement to movement with little breaks in between. If this is too high intensity, feel free to slow the movements down or adjust to a low impact modification. 

Perform all these movements for 1 minute, as intensely as you can, with up to one minute break. If this is too intense or the weather conditions are too harsh, decrease to 30 seconds of intense movement with a minute break. Go through the whole cycle 4 times for a quick park workout!

park workout

High Knees

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Keep your abs tight and your chest lifted as you lift and drive your knees towards your chest, one at a time.
  • Swing your arms in rhythm with your knees to maintain balance. 

Walking Lunges

  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart, take a large step forward with either leg, performing a regular lunge.
  • Driving through your front heel, push your other foot forward- stepping forward into another lunge.

Bench Push-Ups

  • Perform a regular push up off of the corner of a park bench, moving your arms closer together or further apart depending on the muscle group you want to focus more on.

Step Ups

  • Repeatedly switch legs as you step up and down from a park bench, driving from your heel and focusing on your hamstrings while keeping your core engaged. 


  • Get on all fours with your toes on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Stack your wrists and elbows directly under your shoulders. 
  • Keep your core tight to maintain a straight line, 
  • Hold this neutral position.


Make sure to properly recover after any high intensity workout with a high protein meal with plenty of micro-nutrients and sufficient rest. If you find that you're struggling with your recovery, consider incorporating EMS technology. It helps with blood circulation, and in turn helps flush out lactic acid (which is the cause of sore muscles). We recommend the VPod, since it's wireless and has 24 different features for you to choose from. For more info, visit VPod.Life.

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